Vampire Wars Wiki

Resist the lure of the Screaming Spirits of the cave

Resist the lure of the Screaming Spirits of the cave is the 3rd mission in the Shadowmere tier of Old Blood Quest tab. This mission requires x1 Valena's Rage to attempt. Each attempt provides anywhere between Old Blood 409 - Old Blood 613 and 6 Experience Points. Each level of Mission Mastery earns x1 Screaming Strength. Unlocked September 24th 2011.

Tier 1: 5 Icon Energy and 3 Hourglasses - 11%-12% Mastery
Tier 2: 5 Icon Energy and 3 Hourglasses - 10% Mastery
Tier 3: 5 Icon Energy and 4 Hourglasses - 7%-8% Mastery

Without any Desecrated Temple blessings the player requires 160 Icon Energy and 109 Hourglasses to master the mission to tier 3 mastery, earning 192 Experience Points and anywhere between Old Blood 13,088 - Old Blood 19,616.

The 6 actions available are Block Pain, Close Eyes, Cover Ears, Crawl Forward, Focus, Survive Spirits.


You are engulfed in a whirlwind of noise and laughter, not of the pleasant kind. It is as if all hope has left the world. Press on!
